When you decide to install spray foam insulation in your home or business, you face a wide selection of many brands and contractors. Many people are big fans of Do It Yourself (DIY) projects, and often try to go to Lowes to find the “best” spray foam for their “project”. While we also love a good DIY project, we recommend avoiding DIY in terms of your home’s insulation. Insulation contributes to long-term and short-term cost savings as well as increases your home’s energy efficiency (check out our blog post on this information and why you should choose spray foam insulation here). If avoiding a DIY nightmare of incorrect spray foam insulation doesn’t persuade you enough, here are the top reasons to hire a professional, certified spray foam insulation contractor, like the ones at MPI Foam:
- Knowledge
While hiring a general contractor seems like a fine idea for an insulation project, it is more time efficient to find a specialist. Because they know their business, a specialist will be able to answer any questions you have about the process or products used. It’s also reassuring to know you are working with someone who will work with you to select the right product (out of the countless ones on the market), provide you with information (such as the advantages and disadvantages of the product), and ultimately take the most cost-effective approach to delivering the perfect insulation for your needs. They might even be able to present you with ways to maximize savings on utilities during the winter and summer, or be able to advise on any incentives or rebates that are available in the industry. These tax credits and cash-back promotions can make a significant impact on the overall project budget.
- Quality
Through a relationship with your specialist, product discussion and the insulation, it’s important that excellence is provided throughout the spray foam installation experience. Not only will a spray foam specialist have comprehensive, extensive training, but they are often certified for their work. They also only use products that can only be obtained by certified contractors and from the manufacturer itself, verifying the quality of the product has not been maintained. Finally, professionals have the experience and know the best practices for a quality spray foam installation. All of these things ensure a contractor will get the job done right the first time.
- Safety
Safety is important. Before the spray foam can even be installed, it’s important to safely remove old insulation that might contain asbestos or mold. It’s imperative for this to be handled by a professional; both of these must be correctly addressed from the start of a project to avoid later issues. With the use of special products and specially calibrated machines, it’s important to have the most modern spray foam application equipment and technologies to maintain worker safety. Special equipment also permits the correct disbursement of the accurate ratio of foam, and that foam is properly applied as specified. These safety measures must be taken to avoid any spray foam insulation problems–or nightmares.
Thinking of adding Spray Foam Insulation to your home or business? Give us a call! Learn more about MPI Foam and the services we offer on our website. You can also call 884-MPI-FOAM. Our Wake County spray foam professionals will discuss any concerns you may have about your home insulation and help you determine if spray foam insulation is the right choice for your home insulation.
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