MPI Foam
Serving the Southeast since 2002

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Can You Apply Spray Foam Insulation to Existing Walls?

So your home isn’t a new build, but you want to add spray foam insulation? Not a problem! Experts at MPI Foam can help add spray foam insulation to your existing walls for increased energy savings, temperature control, and overall comfort in your home. Many homeowners wonder if it’s possible to add spray foam to…

How Does Spray Foam Insulation Work?

Spray foam insulation is a popular type of insulation used in residential homes. It is known for its ability to provide an airtight seal that can help reduce energy costs and improve indoor comfort. But how exactly does spray foam insulation work? Keep reading with MPI Foam to learn! Combining Chemicals Spray foam insulation is…

The Importance of Insulating Your Crawl Space with a Vapor Barrier

A properly insulated home is vital to keeping your home comfortable and lowers your energy costs, ensuring that you don’t pay more than necessary to heat or cool your home. One often-overlooked area of the home that needs proper insulation to maintain energy costs and comfortability is the crawl space. These areas are an access…

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Maximize Your Energy Efficiency by Insulating Your Garage

To save energy and make homes more efficient, insulating your garage ceilings is a good way to begin. This simple yet effective upgrade can have a significant impact on overall energy savings and comfort levels.  At MPI Foam, we specialize in insulating garage ceilings with both open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation. Spray foam insulation…

How Spray Foam Insulation Can Help Secure Your Garage

Your garage is more than just a place to park your car or store your tools; it’s an essential part of your home’s livable space. It plays a big role in your daily life. One crucial aspect of safeguarding your garage is investing in quality spray foam insulation. MPI Foam knows why spray foam insulation…