Throughout each day, air rises to the highest point in your home – the attic. Depending on how well your attic is insulated, that air may be escaping quickly.
While most insulations have a long shelf-life, the rule of thumb is to replace insulation every 15 years. However, if you notice a strong draft coming from your attic, windows, and doors prior to the 15-year mark, you may want to consider replacing or adding more insulation. There are a few different insulation options to choose from:
Mid-Level Performance: Batt Insulation
Batt insulation, or batts, are sheets of fiberglass insulation. These pre-cut pieces are designed to fit in the wood joist frames of attics.
Mid-Level Performance: Blown in Insulation
Blown in or loose fill fiberglass insulation is cut of pieces of fiberglass insulation and is blown onto the attic floor. More depth of blown in equals a larger R-Value.
High-Level Performance: Spray Foam Insulation
Spray foam insulation is a foam liquid that expands up to 60 times its volume once applied, sealing off the smallest of creases in your attic. Spray foam is the best long-term solution to protect your attic from outside pollutants, moisture, and critters. At MPI Foam, we offer two options: open-cell and closed-cell spray foams.
While it is possible to install insulation yourself, we recommend working with experts to properly determine the type of insulation needed, especially if adding to or replacing existing insulation.
MPI Foam is skilled in spray foam insulation for attics. Contact us today for a free estimate!
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