4 Risks Associated with Traditional Insulation

Water retainment

Water retainment

Traditional insulation has been proven to retain water. This not only reduces the functionality of the insulation, but it can damage your home and contribute to mold growth. However, spray foam insulation is commonly designed to allow water to pass through it, thus preventing any moisture retainment and making it easier to repair any leaks.

Allergen & dust collection

Allergen & dust collection

Traditional insulation tends to collect dust particles and other allergens that could pollute your home and trigger allergic reactions or other respiratory issues, such as asthma. Spray foam insulation is more secure, reducing the risk of dust collection and other pollutants.

Formaldehyde fumes

Formaldehyde fumes

Most fiberglass, a form of traditional insulation, contains formaldehyde. This type of traditional insulation can allow this potentially harmful gas to be released into your home. Formaldehyde is primarily consumed by inhalation and can cause damage to the nose, throat, and chest. It is considered toxic to the body, for both your family and any pets that may be living in the home. The good news is, spray foam insulation does not contain formaldehyde.

Pest nesting

Pest nesting

Both cellulose and fiberglass, forms of traditional insulation, serve as a great snack for all kinds of insects and other pests. In fact, many types even use them for nesting. Spray foam insulation, on the other hand, is not a source of food for any critters or pests, nor does it create a good environment for nesting.

4 Risks Associated with Traditional Insulation

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